Based on 2024 PA Drivers manual

Mistakes allowed
Passing score
Official PA Permit Practice Tests: What to Expect
Total number of questions

Number of questions required to pass

Percentage required to pass

Pennsylvania Driver's License
Pennsylvania Driver's License

Studying for your written knowledge test? Make sure you’re preparing the smart way with our Pennsylvania permit practice test.  With questions designed to help you test your knowledge on the rules of the road, this powerful resource is the key to boosting your score.  Like the real exam, the practice test is based on the concepts found in key chapters of the Pennsylvania Driver’s Manual.  Published and distributed by the Pennsylvania Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), the manual should be an essential part of your study session.   

The PA permit practice test is an important resource that will help you quickly identify your strengths and weaknesses prior to test day.  You can expect 40 multiple choice questions on important concepts, including:

  • Everyday Driving Skills
  • Turning, Merging, and Passing
  • Signals, Signs, and Pavement Markings
  • Negotiating Intersections and Curves
  • Negotiating Highways and Interchanges
  • Special Circumstances and Emergencies

Whether it’s Heinz Field or the Poconos, you’ll need a driver’s license to enjoy the best of Pennsylvania. Reading through the PA Driver’s Manual is a good first step towards preparing for the written test. Afterwards, learn exactly what the actual test will be like using our Pennsylvania permit practice tests. Work hard now, and you’ll be on the road before you know it!

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